The recognized actor of Mexican telenovelas, Alexis Ayala, has recently shared details about an express kidnapping he experienced more than two decades ago. Ayala was illegally deprived of his freedom on that occasion, after his participation in the project 'Solo para mujeres' alongside Sergio Mayer. Out of fear for his safety after the incident, the actor hired four people to ensure his protection.
In an interview, Alexis Ayala described how that traumatic event unfolded, recounting that a group of individuals forced him into a car and held him captive for about six hours. During that time, they drained his bank accounts and, even more disturbingly, one of the women present groped him while he was tied up with shoelaces and blindfolded in the back seat of the vehicle.
Unfortunately, this was not the only episode of violence that the actor has experienced. Previously, Ayala was a victim of thefts, including an armed robbery of a van on the streets of Mexico City. These experiences led him to take additional security measures, such as hiring bodyguards to protect himself from future incidents.
Regarding his artistic career, Alexis Ayala has participated in numerous notable Mexican telenovelas and films, including 'Si nos dejan', 'Fantasías', 'Amar a muerte', 'La sombra del pasado', and 'Agujetas de color de rosa', to name a few. Despite the personal challenges he has faced, Ayala has managed to establish a successful career in the entertainment industry.